Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment Opportunities
Daytona State College
Daytona State College offers a dual enrollment program that can help you get a head start on your college education while still in high school, no matter where you choose to pursue your higher education upon graduation. Through dual enrollment, you can begin your college studies by choosing one of several career-oriented programs linked with programs offered at Daytona State College. For more information about dual enrollment, please review the information in the links below, and talk to your school counselor to begin the process.
Important Dates:
6/1 - 10/30 - Application, Testing & Advising Window
10/31 - Registration for Spring 2025 opens
12-6 - Deadline for Spring 2025 enrollment
* Students must complete their DSC admissions application, placement testing, and submit a signed dual enrollment form with courses selected for Full/A/B term courses by this date to be enrolled.
Visit Daytona State College Dual Enrollment page for more information
University of Florida
Dual enrollment helps eligible accelerated high school students access coursework at the University of Florida from their home district. Our fully online courses are taught by UF faculty, provide students with a college learning experience, and adhere to the UF academic calendar.
Important Dates:
The application for Spring 2024 is now open and closes on October 20th, 2023. Students are encouraged to apply as early as possible as the program is expected to reach capacity for the Spring 2024 term.
* Please note that all students must reapply each semester in order to take classes with UF Dual Enrollment.
Enrollment Process
New Students
(These steps are also outlined on the Dual Enrollment webpage):
- Attend an Information Session.
- Confirm Eligibility
- Talk to your school counselor to verify GPA, eligibility, high school graduation requirements, and college readiness.
- Apply to DSC
- Choose "Dual Enroll" as your Academic Plan.
- Use the “How to apply" guide.
- Placement Testing
- Visit any DSC Assessment Office for placement testing. Already have test scores? Submit them with your Dual Enrollment Form.
- How to get your ACT scores
- How to get your SAT scores
- New Student Advising
- Schedule your virtual group new student advising session for an overview of the programs offered, how to select courses, important dates, dual enrollment guidelines, and your Dual Enrollment Form.
- Complete Your Dual Enrollment Form (It's best to complete this form electronically, not hand-written).
- Use the Course Search Guide to select your course numbers.
- The Schedule Builder can help create the perfect schedule for you based on the times you need classes!
- Once completed, connect with your school counselor to review your course selections.
- Submit completed forms to DualEnrollment@DaytonaState.edu.
Not sure what classes you need? You have options:
💻 Use the super cool new degree planner- it will show you all the courses you need for your degree and help you sequence them!
🗓 Schedule an appointment - call 386-506-3602 to schedule an appointment on any campus.
💻 Email us with your questions - dualenrollment@daytonastate.edu.
📞 Call us and speak to an advisor on the phone - 386.506.3661.
Returning Students
Returning Students - How to Enroll in Spring Classes:
- Use the course search guide to select courses and complete the NEW SPRING 2023 DUAL ENROLLMENT FORM. (It's best to complete this form electronically, not hand-written).
- The Schedule Builder can help create the perfect schedule for you based on the times you need classes!
- Once your form has been signed by your parent/guardian and school counselor, email form to dualenrollment@daytonastate.edu on or after 11/3* - When requesting a course that ends in “C” or “L”, remember to include both a lecture and lab course number - it can be entered in the same line (Ex: 1245/1342).
- Check your FalconMail account; all replies and confirmations will be sent here.
Not sure what classes you need? You have options:
💻 Use the super cool new degree planner- it will show you all the courses you need for your degree and help you sequence them!
🗓 Schedule an appointment - call 386-506-3602 to schedule an appointment on any campus.
💻 Email us with your questions - dualenrollment@daytonastate.edu.
📞 Call us and speak to an advisor on the phone - 386.506.3661.
*Advanced registration is offered based your earned credits (earned credits are courses you have already completed and earned a grade for). You can check your enrollment date by following these steps.