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Cap & Gown Orders - 2025

All Class of 2025 Seniors must purchase a basic Cap & Gown package through Herff Jones for $70.  Please note that ALL cap & gown orders will be delivered to Mainland and will be distributed to students during Senior meeting on April 22, 2025.

Final dates to purchase on-campus during lunch with cash, check or credit card are:
February 13 & 14
March 11
THURSDAY - February 20th @ 6:00pm

You are invited to join us for our SAC (School Advisory Council) meeting that is taking place THURSDAY, February 20th from 6:00 to 7:00pm in our MPR, located in the main entrance lobby.

This meeting is open to all MHS students, families, and community members!  Your presence is a valuable contribution to our school. For more information about SAC, and a list of upcoming meeting dates, please visit:



Seniors and BUC sure to check the SENIOR PAGE (found under Student Life) for important event information as well as links to scholarships and college news.

Our Daily Announcements are also posted under STUDENT LIFE - never miss important news and events!


ASVAB - March 25

The ASVAB CEP is coming to Mainland on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. Any student in grade 10-12 may participate in this FREE career exploration assessment.

The ASVAB is NOT a military recruiting tool! 

Scores for students in 10th grade are NOT shared with the military and students in 11th-12th grade may opt-out of having their score shared. This FREE assessment opens an online resource allowing students to explore career and education options that match THEIR skill strengths and personal interests.

Learn more and sign-up to participate:


Volunteering can pay off!

There are many great reasons to volunteer time to your community or school...and earning scholarship money to help fund college/tech or trade school after graduation is just one of them!

Check the VOLUNTEERING PAGE and review the student handbook, take the 15-question quiz, and start turning in your hours!

Learn more about BRIGHT FUTURES

SCHOLARSHIPS & Financial Aid!

Have you checked out the scholarship page lately?  Did you know that there are opportunities for JUNIORS and for SENIORS?  Find out more now by checking the page...OFTEN!

Scholarships & Financial Aid Page

If you missed the meeting...

If you missed the meeting, you can access the presentation, which includes links to many resources, on the Scholarship Page of the website.

Packets that were distributed in the meeting are available for pick up in the Resource Room Lobby, counter, 1-259.

 Please contact Mrs. Scheuerman with any questions:

MHS Scholarship Page

Support Our BUCS!

You are invited to support our BUCS by partnering with Mainland through a Sponsorship Banner!  Banners will be displayed along our fence through the school year...don't miss out on this opportunity!

Business Partner Page

Download Sponsorship Form

Please contact Jill Rogers, Activities Director, with any questions:

Create Your Parent Portal Account
The Parent Portal is a great way for parents/guardians to stay connected to their student's:
Pay for Field Trips and other school items
Academy and Advanced Program applications 
Volusia County Schools is committed to delivering high quality instruction to all of its students. The Parent Portal is a great way for parents/guardians to stay connected.

Download Parent Portal Flyer

Parent Portal Info & Set Up

Clutch bags no larger than 6.5%22x4.5%22, Clear bags No larger than 12%22x12%22x6%22 or 1 gallon storage bags.
Heading to a VCS athletic event?

Don’t forget – only approved bags are allowed! Be sure to review our bag policy before you go.

Permitted Bags: Limit One Per Person

  • Clear Bags - No larger than 12" x 12" x 6"
  • Small Clutch Bags - No larger than 6.5" x 4.5"
  • Plastic Storage Bags - One-gallon resealable, clear

Not Permitted:

Backpacks, Large Purse, Camera Bag, Drawstring Bag, Oversized Tote Bag, Diaper Bag, Binocular Case, Mesh Bag, Tinted, colored or patterned plastic bag

Athletics Information

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